
Thursday, May 20, 2010

White Turmeric

The usefulness of White Turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria) for Health and Exterminate Cancer.

Nature's Bounty Turmeric/Curcumin, 60 Capsules (Pack of 2)Currently, the number of cancer patients are increasing and cancer are also on the high quantity as a cause of deaths . Unfortunately, cancer usually is detected in an advanced stage, so treatment becomes more difficult. Treatment with modern ways still has a lot of side effects, while the percentage of successfull to remove cancer is not maximum, so it needs to be supported with alternative medicine or traditional medicine.

Any such alternative treatment is to use white turmeric. There are not many people know the efficacy of White Turmeric (Curcuma zedoaria) that apparently could cure a lot of various diseases. The most nutritious part is its rizhome.

Active Content of White Turmeric

Curcuminoids, essential oil, polysaccharides, zedoarin, curdiona, curcumol. Which has been known is curcuminoids, including curcumin, desmektosicurcumin, bisdemetoksicurcumin, 1.7-bis (4-hidroksifenil) -1,4,6-heptatrien-on-3.

The Mechanism

Cancer is a disease characterized by cell growth - a new body tissue cells (neoplasms), that is not normal (the result of genetic mutation of cells), rapid, and uncontrolled. Therefore, the cancer is not an infectious disease caused by germs attack. Cancer grows from cells of organs that have a genetic mutation. It is a genetic mutation of cells when it grows abnormally and destructive (do not follow the law of the cell growth and tend to be destructive). Zedoarin, curdiona and curcumol, these substances turned out to be anti-neoplastic destructive ribosoma formation of cancer cells by increasing the formation of wild fibroblast tissue surrounding the cancerous tissue, and form a layer of lymphocytes in cancer tissue cells and wrapping, so that cells of cancer tissue can not grow, eventually the cancer cells will die, and causes no danger anymore.

In general, the efficacy and usefulness of white turmeric as follows:

1. reduce symptoms of heartburn and stomach pain
2. increase appetite
3. helps inhibit the growth of cancer cells (anti-neoplastic)
4. stop bleeding

Not All White Turmeric as an Anti-Cancer

But not all types of White Turmeric act as an anti-cancer. In many community, White Turmeric which are availabe among them is types of curcuma longa, this species has not act as anti-cancer. This species has a characteristic:

It is chalk-white, rash shaped, its extract water is thick and sticky, when it is powdered has white color.

This type of white turmericis is only efficacious as anti Diarrhoea and Dysentery and can not treat cancer.
It is curcuma zedoaria which is efficacious to cure bloating and act as anti-oxidant or a cure for cancer. Anti-oxidant properties obtained from the immunomodulator, these substances are capable to multiply the number of lymphocytes, increase the toxicity of cancer killer cells and increase the synthesis of specific antibody. To use white turmeric is by grate it then the grated white turmeric is squeezed and the extracted liquid of it then is drunk.

As an important note! one of the negative impact of white turmeric is to reduce the ability of white blood cells, white turmeric is also not good for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Benefits of Ginger to our healthy

Gold Kili All Natural Instant Ginger Caffeine Free Herbal Tea Drink Sampler Pack (20 Sachets) - 12.6 OzOne of benefit of ginger is to add flavor to dishes or potent health.

Ginger is a spice with a distinctive aroma and sharp flavor. Ginger is already known by people since a long time ago. Ginger is often used as a flavoring in cooking. However, its usefulness not just to add flavor to food, but it is useful also as a powerful tool for health.
Basically, the benefits of ginger is more than an additional ingredient in food recipes. Over the years many people use ginger for the natural healing process. Ginger is believed to cure various diseases, such as nausea and digestive problems. As natural spices, ginger has been known by people since 2500 years ago and originated from Southeast Asia.
As quoted in Carefair, in addition to its benefits for treating nausea and indigestion, ginger is also known to be effective to treat blood circulation problems, rheumatism, and stomach cramps.
Another great benefit to be gained from the ginger is that it can lower cholesterol, treat motion sickness, flatulence, able to stop diarrhea, and of course it is able to refresh smell of the mouth. Ginger root herb is also able to increase the flow of bile and improve the cardiovascular system.
Ginger Oil - 1 oz. - EssOilNot only it can be used in intact form, ginger can also be used in various forms. For example, treat the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis with ginger oil. Ginger oil can also be used to massage the areas affected by inflammation.
In the form of capsules, ginger can be consumed with a glass of water after surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. This is done to reduce nausea or any other uncomfortable symptoms. Ginger is also excellent used as a daily supplement.
Amazingly in any treatment using ginger does not cause side effects. This is because it has no tendency to interact negatively with other drugs present in the body. Mean, this makes the ginger is safe enough to use in natural medicine.
When you shop for ginger to be used in cooking, make sure you choose a subtle ginger, have no wrinkles and is not moldy. To store the ginger, peel first, then wrap in a plastic and place it in the freezer. This method of storage of ginger helps keep them fresh longer and is ready to use in anytime you need.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Healthy Lifestyle

Cleveland Clinic Healthy Heart Lifestyle Guide and Cookbook: Featuring more than 150 tempting recipes
A healthy lifestyle is essential for a long, healthy life. Start early!Here are some aspects that certainly have contributed to a healthy lifestyle.

1st. Sufficient exercise in the fresh air is necessary to train your muscles and strengthen your bones.
2nd. As part of a healthy lifestyle?
3rd. What nutrients are particularly important in the climacteric?
4th. Healthy eating does not mean abandonment of delicious food!
5th. How do I eat balanced?

Here are five types of natural materials that can enhance your immune from the disease:
1) Ginger: Traditionally, ginger has been used to treat common colds and help reduce flu-like symptoms. Ginger not only help the body fight infection, but this natural substance is a medicine for indigestion or nausea.
2) Turmeric: Turmeric has many healing benefits, some of which include helping to detoxify the body, improve immune system, as well as having anti-inflammatory effects on the body and help you prevent cancer. Turmeric can be added to the grain, vegetable and bean dishes, curries and more.
3) Garlic: Garlic enhance immune function. It is antibacterial, anti-virus and anti-fungal, act as natural antibiotics in your body's immune system.
4) vegetables: family vegetables include cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, turnips, brussel sprouts, turnips and watercress. Vegetables helps the body against toxins and cancer. They are good sources of beta-carotene and protects against free radical damage. They also contain vitamin C and calcium. If possible, eat raw or very lightly steamed or boiled so important enzymes remain intact.
5) Vitamin C Food: Citrus fruit, kiwi, guava, strawberries, broccoli, spinach, Goji berries and the cauliflower is a source of vitamin C. Vitamin C increase the production of infection-fighting white blood cells and antibodies, making it easier for you to fight germs.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Health is the general condition of a person in all aspects. It is also a level of functional and/or metabolic efficiency of an organism, often implicitly human.
At the time of the creation of the World Health Organization (WHO), in 1948, health was defined as being "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity".
Only a handful of publications have focused specifically on the definition of health and its evolution in the first 6 decades. Some of them highlight its lack of operational value and the problem created by use of the word "complete." Others declare the definition, which has not been modified since 1948, "simply a bad one."
In 1986, the WHO, in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, said that health is "a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities." Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC), which is composed of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) also define health.
Overall health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being, which, together is commonly referred to as the Health Triangle.

Determinants of health

The LaLonde report suggests that there are four general determinants of health including human biology, environment, lifestyle, and healthcare services. Thus, health is maintained and improved not only through the advancement and application of health science, but also through the efforts and intelligent lifestyle choices of the individual and society.
A major environmental factor is water quality, especially for the health of infants and children in developing countries.
Studies show that in developed countries, the lack of neighborhood recreational space that includes the natural environment leads to lower levels of neighborhood satisfaction and higher levels of obesity; therefore, lower overall well being. Therefore, the positive psychological benefits of natural space in urban neighborhoods should be taken into account in public policy and land use.

Maintaining health

Achieving and maintaining health is an ongoing process. Effective strategies for staying healthy and improving one's health include the following elements:

Observations of Daily Living

Personal health depends partially on one's active, passive, and assisted observations about their health in their everyday life. The information gleaned from such observations may be used to inform personal decisions and actions (e.g., "I feel tired in the morning so I am going to try sleeping on a different pillow"), as well as clinical decisions and treatment plans (e.g., a patient who notices his or her shoes are tighter than usual may be having exacerbation of left-sided heart failure, and may require diuretic medication to reduce fluid overload) for patients who share their observations with their health care providers.

Social Activity

Personal health depends partially on the social structure of one's life. The maintenance of strong social relationships is linked to good health conditions, longevity, productivity, and a positive attitude. This is due to the fact that positive social interaction as viewed by the participant increases many chemical levels in the brain which are linked to personality and intelligence traits.
Volunteering also can lead to a healthy life. To be a volunteer, while gaining plenty of social benefits, people also take their mind off their own troubles. Volunteering could even add years of life. According to a university study, compared with people who did not volunteer, senior citizens who volunteered showed a 67% reduced risk of dying during a seven-year period.


Hygiene is the practice of keeping the body clean to prevent infection and illness, and the avoidance of contact with infectious agents. Hygiene practices include bathing, brushing and flossing teeth, washing hands especially before eating, washing food before it is eaten, cleaning food preparation utensils and surfaces before and after preparing meals, and many others. This may help prevent infection and illness. By cleaning the body, dead skin cells are washed away with the germs, reducing their chance of entering the body.

Stress management

Prolonged psychological stress may negatively impact health, and has been cited as a factor in cognitive impairment with aging, depressive illness, and expression of disease. Stress management is the application of methods to either reduce stress or increase tolerance to stress. Relaxation techniques are physical methods used to relieve stress. Psychological methods include cognitive therapy, meditation, and positive thinking which work by reducing response to stress. Improving relevant skills and abilities builds confidence, which also reduces the stress reaction to situations where those skills are applicable.
Reducing uncertainty, by increasing knowledge and experience related to stress-causing situations, has the same effect. Learning to cope with problems better, such as improving problem solving and time management skills, may also reduce stressful reaction to problems. Repeatedly facing an object of one's fears may also desensitize the fight-or-flight response with respect to that stimulus—e.g., facing bullies may reduce fear of bullies.


Health care

Health care is the prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physical well being through the services offered by the medical, nursing, and allied health professions.

Workplace wellness programs

Workplace wellness programs are recognized by an increasingly large number of companies for their value in improving the health and well-being of their employees, and for increasing morale, loyalty, and productivity. Workplace wellness programs can include things like onsite fitness centers, health presentations, wellness newsletters, access to health coaching, tobacco cessation programs and training related to nutrition, weight and stress management. Other programs may include health risk assessments, health screenings and body mass index monitoring.
Wellness programs may also be found in such places neighborhood community centers and schools. These typically require participants to have a greater degree of commitment to themselves, as they are voluntary.

Public health

The focus of public health intervention is to prevent rather than treat a disease through surveillance of cases and the promotion of healthy behaviors. In addition to these activities, in many cases treating a disease can be vital to preventing it in others, such as during an outbreak of an infectious disease. Vaccination schedules and distribution of condoms are examples of public health measures.

Role of science in health

Health science is the branch of science focused on health, and it includes many subdisciplines. There are two approaches to health science: the study and research of the human body and health-related issues to understand how humans (and animals) function, and the application of that knowledge to improve health and to prevent and cure diseases.


Health research builds primarily on the basic sciences of biology, chemistry, and physics as well as a variety of multidisciplinary fields (for example medical sociology). Some of the other primarily research-oriented fields that make exceptionally significant contributions to health science are biochemistry, epidemiology, and genetics.


Applied health sciences also endeavor to better understand health, but in addition they try to directly improve it. Some of these are: biomedical engineering, biotechnology, nursing, nutrition, pharmacology, pharmacy, public health (see above), social work, psychology, physical therapy, and medicine. The provision of services to maintain or improve people's health is referred to as health care (see above).

All of article above is copied from